Welcome To Daha International University
President’s Message
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon to the Prophet Mohamed and his family and companions.
Daha International University in Somalia is a leading social educational institution with a high scientific standing in our people. It works to convey the religious, social, cultural, historical and cognitive heritage of the older generations and strives to activate its potentials and talents and enrich the knowledge of its students and their experiences. The scientific and intellectual experiences of its professors, based on all scientific and technological developments and methods, as well as social visions for the benefit of all members of society, are committed to the continuous development and qualification standards to ensure quality and accreditation in educational programs.
The University seeks to become the center of radiation for all new ideas, knowledge and science, and become the place where the views of scientists, thinkers, leaders and the campaign of reform and development, which is prepared to preserve the creed, values and ethics that the nation seeks to retain and promote and nurture future generations, To be a beacon of expertise and exchange of proposals in order to enrich knowledge and science and in response to the aspirations of the society and its hopes and guidance and solve its problems.
This is why it is incumbent on the university administration, its professors and those responsible to maintain this status and to move forward to keep abreast of the scientific progress witnessed by the world, and to face the changes that occur within it, with the intention of adhering to heritage and originality.
The University endeavors to develop its programs and decisions continuously and to develop new programs and decisions in a manner commensurate with the scientific and academic changes. The University is keen to establish new disciplines and colleges commensurate with the different scientific needs and development requirements. In addition to the construction of the university city and the processing of the largest educational complex in Somalia, which includes university faculties, library, administration buildings, Students residence, professors and staff
- “Dr. Sheikh Abu Bakr Hassan Malin” “The President”

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WHY CHOOSE DIUQaar ka mid ah ardayda cusub ee ku soo biiray Jaamacadda sanadkaan 2020 oo muujiyey dareenkooda iyo adeega wax barashadeed ay ka heleen Jaamacadda.
Waxaa si Nabad ah ugu soo gabagaboobay ardayda Jamacada Caalamiga Ee Daaha (Daha International University) Imtaxaankii Dhexe ee Semester ka Ardayda Imtaxaanka u soo Dhamaaday Oo Aragtidooda Ka Hadlaaya #DIU The source of knowledge and science